Saving energy is becoming increasingly important in modern building services engineering. The use of renewable energies in building services engineering has already become standard in many countries.
Photovoltaics describes the direct conversion of light into electricity. Solar power contributes towards sparing the environment, reduces the effort required for the transport of electricity and ensures an independent and cost-effective energy supply.
Solar thermal technology describes the use of solar energy to provide heat. In modern buildings, solar-generated heat is used for heating and domestic water heating.
Shallow geothermal energy is based on the same fundamental principle as solar thermal energy. However, in this case it is the ground which is acting as a heat source, not the sun. There is an underground pipe system in which a liquid heat transfer medium circulates.
Cogeneration describes the simultaneous recovery of mechanical and/or electrical energy and thermal heat.
GUNT- RHLine (renewable heat): structural and technical techniques for resource conservation.
Heat pumps transport heat from a low energy level to a higher energy level and can be used for heating.
Ice storage systems are charged via a refrigerating plant and discharged again in the event of very high loads. They offset inhomogeneous load profiles of buildings.